Welcome to SeedSprings

Helping others

Dedicated to providing wells for locals in various communities inside Africa, South and Central America, and Haiti.

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drinking water out of hands


Did you know that 10% of the world’s population has no access to clean water? Not to drink, not to bathe in, not for growing food, not to use for cooking. Water is a vital part of our lives, yet most of us take it for granted. When we turn on the faucet, water is there. When we turn on the shower, water is there. Anytime we need water, water is there. Many people all over the world are not so fortunate. With no access to clean water, they are forced to drink and bathe in water that is filled with filth and bacteria. The result? Diseases from lack of clean water kill 1.5 million people every year. A child dies every 90 seconds from a water-related disease.

It’s a big problem with a very basic solution.

It all starts with a well.

A well brings clean water that can transform a community. Aside from saving millions of people from water-related diseases and dehydration, a working well can provide irrigation for farming, drinking water for livestock, and it can save people the hours spent every day walking miles to transport water to their homes. A well can make all the difference in the world.

A single well can immensely improve the lives of up to 20,000 people and allow the community to grow and thrive.

Won’t you help us make a difference?

6 water jugs

Since 2013, SeedSprings has completed wells in Uganda, Guatemala, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Brazil, Nigeria, Madagascar, and South Sudan, bringing clean, sustainable water to thousands of people.

With the generosity of donors, we’ve made a vital impact on the lives in many communities across Africa, South and Central America, and Haiti.

Get Involved

We can’t do it alone. We can only continue this important work with the help of donations and volunteers. If you’ve ever wondered what you could do to help someone less fortunate than you, here’s how:


About Us

In 2009, after visiting Uganda and seeing firsthand the horrible conditions that communities without fresh water had to endure, Rick Lovall knew he wanted to do something to help. It wasn’t until he ran into Steve Drury in 2011 that SeedSprings was born. Steve brought up the idea of digging wells for missionaries and Rick knew it was the help that the people of Uganda and other developing countries so desperately needed.

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Latest Well Projects

We strive to make a difference. By working each project from plan to funding to a sustainable well, SeedSprings, a helpful project, gives communities a way forward. Here are the projects through their various stages:

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Without funding, these water projects would not be possible. Here are some of the well-organized campaigns that helped successfully fund our water projects:

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